Discrete Dipole Approximation Project  1.0
Plugin based Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) software package.
DyLibary Class Reference

Detailed Description

Just create an object of this class to load a library and don't worry about unloading it – it will be done in the objects destructor automatically.

#include "dylib.h"

Public Member Functions

 DyLibary (std::string libname)
 Loads Libary libname with given into memory. More...
 ~DyLibary ()
 Unloads loaded libary automaticly.
FuncPtr GetSymbol (std::string name)
 Retrives a Symbol name from the libary, respresented by the object. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DyLibary::DyLibary ( std::string  libname)
DyLibExceptionRaised if unable to load libary
[in]libnameName of Libary to Load

Member Function Documentation

FuncPtr DyLibary::GetSymbol ( std::string  name)
Pointer to symbol
DyLibExceptionRaised if symbol dosen't exist
[in]nameName of Symbol to Load